A "Black Swan Event" is when the unexpected occurs, causing a huge mindshift and change in how the world works. People never imagined that Black Swans existed, until the discovery of the first Black Swan... (as per book "The Black Swan", by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2007, that sold over 3 million copies)

Is a perception change the next Black Swan Event? Consider that by changing perception we might change the world. Look at everyday things from different angles. Find beauty in the unexpected...
Change our thinking, change our actions, change our world!

See that all people are part of God's puzzle and have something to give. Black swans do exist. The ugly duckling was actually a swan who needed to discover himself and where he fitted and be who he was meant to be. To the last, the lost and the least, you are beautiful as you are.
May all who visit this page feel God's touch and experience His blessing...

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Seeing The Purpose Of Raisins (Dried Grapes)

I have always just accepted raisins, and never seen much special about them. The lesson showed that there are opportunities all around us to look with fresh eyes at the things we take for granted, including everyday objects like raisins.

Have you ever held a number of raisins in your hand? Hold some in your hand sometime and try this. Smell them. Raisins have a distinctive smell and one knows they are raisins. Unless one has never smelt a raisin before! Savour the moment. Isn’t it amazing to consider that raisins come from drying grapes?
How wonderful that grapes can be transformed into raisins, or take liquid form as grape juice and alcohol. Grapes that might have been wasted otherwise and have had a shortened lifespan are transformed into something else that fills a different niche. Sweeter, smaller, versatile, perfect for snacking, or for covering with chocolate, for adding to baking. Look at the raisins. Each is different, unique. Yet they are all raisins. There are some bad ones, most are good ones, some more wrinkly than others, some small ones, some big ones. Taste a raisin. If you had never tasted a raisin before, would you have known it was so sweet? Did you bite into a pip perhaps? Some raisins hold surprises! Chew the raisin until it disappears into nothingness as you swallow it down. Isn’t it amazing  that something so small fulfills a distinct role and can be used for so many purposes? Would we miss raisins if we didn't know they could be created? What would we use if we didn't have raisins?

What other surprises does the world around you hold? What surprises do the people all around you hold? What undiscovered talents do many people have that are yet to be discovered and used?

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