A "Black Swan Event" is when the unexpected occurs, causing a huge mindshift and change in how the world works. People never imagined that Black Swans existed, until the discovery of the first Black Swan... (as per book "The Black Swan", by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2007, that sold over 3 million copies)

Is a perception change the next Black Swan Event? Consider that by changing perception we might change the world. Look at everyday things from different angles. Find beauty in the unexpected...
Change our thinking, change our actions, change our world!

See that all people are part of God's puzzle and have something to give. Black swans do exist. The ugly duckling was actually a swan who needed to discover himself and where he fitted and be who he was meant to be. To the last, the lost and the least, you are beautiful as you are.
May all who visit this page feel God's touch and experience His blessing...

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Our Beliefs Are Our Reality

Have you considered how we may often make a stand on a topic over which we may have no concrete proof? Our beliefs become our reality.

As an example, I have debated evolution versus creationism in the past with some people. I was someone who grew up learning about evolution in school, and it made sense to me. And then I walked into a Bible study where this was the topic under discussion for the evening and even though at the time I said I don't know how God created the world, and maybe He used what looks like evolution, I realised in the ensuing weeks that my beliefs had changed, and I now firmly believe in creationism, and I leave the details to God. But consider, the way the world was formed did not change, only my beliefs changed. I am not saying you must doubt your beliefs, but I am trying to show that you should not argue with someone and say he or she is wrong, when that person is just as right in his or her own mind. Such a stance will cause division. State your case with full conviction as to your beliefs, and allow someone else his or her own viewpoint, and try to understand why the person sees this way through his or her lenses of perception. But, you are entitled to believe you are right! Or, what do you think?...

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