A "Black Swan Event" is when the unexpected occurs, causing a huge mindshift and change in how the world works. People never imagined that Black Swans existed, until the discovery of the first Black Swan... (as per book "The Black Swan", by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2007, that sold over 3 million copies)

Is a perception change the next Black Swan Event? Consider that by changing perception we might change the world. Look at everyday things from different angles. Find beauty in the unexpected...
Change our thinking, change our actions, change our world!

See that all people are part of God's puzzle and have something to give. Black swans do exist. The ugly duckling was actually a swan who needed to discover himself and where he fitted and be who he was meant to be. To the last, the lost and the least, you are beautiful as you are.
May all who visit this page feel God's touch and experience His blessing...

Monday, 8 July 2013

To Love and Spread Love

I once encountered a boy who had the brightest of smiles. His laugh was infectious. His eyes lit up. But he was paralysed by his exterior, chained in a body captive by cerebral palsy.
Cerebral Palsy presents differently in different people, and for this young lad, it meant he could not walk, or talk, or control his movements. He was totally dependent on those around him to supply all his needs, for example, he needed to be fed, bathed, clothed, and moved. Most strangers thought he was unintelligent, and spoke around him as if he did not exist. Imagine what it must be like for you to hear and understand everything being said around you, often decidedly negative comments, and to be unable to respond, unable to say something back in defence? To have no real voice of your own? To lie immobile while the hours tick past, day after day, week after week, year after year? To see your playmates grow up alongside you and see your potential self reflected in them? To be able to run in your imagination only? How significant was this child’s inner world to him: his imagination, his mind?
Yet this child wrote about his love for others, especially his family. He was filled with inner strength and love for God. He wrote about how grateful he was for what he had and said he could rise above any circumstance that came his way, and he said that you can too, we all can. Nothing is impossible, only our mindsets hold us back.

We Can All Learn From His Example

These are just a few of the life lessons that I believe honour this young man’s legacy:
  • Smile: This boy had a beautiful smile. I was captivated by his life force staring out through his smile.
  • Do not judge by the exterior: He was a boy with hopes and dreams just like other children.  He might have had a twisted body racked by pain, but he had dreams, and hopes, and wanted to run and play and free his mind, and what a brilliant mind he had.
  • Accept others for who they are: See past the outward behaviour and the exterior. This child accepted others, even those who ignored him. Some people saw him as worthless, but others who knew his heart and mind saw him as beautiful.
  • Everyone has something to give: For some, it is dancing. For others, it is writing. Each person has talents to use, that help make the world a better place. This lad wrote a book. He loved and spread love.
  • The value of a positive mindset: In spite of all the challenges he faced, he wrote about his inner peace and positive hope for the future. He made things happen in spite of adversity. Search for your own peace. Perhaps it is having faith in your own abilities and knowing you will be able to triumph in any circumstance that life throws at you?
  • Use your strengths: This young man had a brilliant mind, though his body kept him captive. He was empowered by his writing and his vision for others.
  • It is better to develop strengths than focus on weaknesses: Though he would never walk, he had an undiscovered talent in his mind, which he was able to free by writing, and when he was able to do this, hopes became realities.
  • Listen: Some people do not have a voice. Be sensitive to what people are saying, even if they cannot say it properly, or at all. Watch for hidden messages in body language. Look for pain when people are hiding behind their masks. See joy when passion is alight.
  • Happiness in acceptance: Throughout all of his experiences, he never complained, he accepted his life for what it was, and enjoyed his moments. He believed in God and praised Him for giving him life. He loved.
  • Your hurts can help others: This young man did not want his story to be repeated in other people’s lives unnecessarily and he took action through writing. He wanted to give hope and a voice to the voiceless. He dreamed of creating a better world for all. This child's life was tragically cut short before he became an adult, but his legacy lives on. Your own story has strength to help others. The hurdles you have overcome are a testimony to light the way for other people. I believe God can turn your obstacles into opportunities (see the chapter called “Love and Happiness”, the section called “Obstacles, Opportunities, and Managing Expectations”).
  • Everyone has purpose: You might see your purpose as small, but everyone adds something to this world. No matter what you do, see yourself as part of the big picture, moving towards a wonderful future vision, and the insignificant becomes significant.

Hope for All Who Have Dreams to Live

This young man’s story is about happiness in spite of circumstance. We can all learn from his life and wonder at his upbeat peaceful mindset. His personal tale shows his triumph over circumstance, and how mindsets and opportunity taken are some of the keys to happiness in life. You may not feel you are successful in life, and success means different things to different people, but you can find happiness in your own identity, and can make sure you honour your own purpose.
Let us look with fresh eyes at people who have physical or intellectual challenges, and allow them a chance to reveal their talents and purpose and to live their dreams. Allow this child’s legacy to live on in a message of hope for all. His story provides inspiration for all who still have dreams to live.

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