A "Black Swan Event" is when the unexpected occurs, causing a huge mindshift and change in how the world works. People never imagined that Black Swans existed, until the discovery of the first Black Swan... (as per book "The Black Swan", by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2007, that sold over 3 million copies)

Is a perception change the next Black Swan Event? Consider that by changing perception we might change the world. Look at everyday things from different angles. Find beauty in the unexpected...
Change our thinking, change our actions, change our world!

See that all people are part of God's puzzle and have something to give. Black swans do exist. The ugly duckling was actually a swan who needed to discover himself and where he fitted and be who he was meant to be. To the last, the lost and the least, you are beautiful as you are.
May all who visit this page feel God's touch and experience His blessing...

Sunday, 22 July 2012

All Who Labour and Are Heavily Burdened...

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28 WEB)

This is a bit of free form musing from me:

Who is my blog for? Who is my book for? I have trouble answering that question. I like to think my thoughts are for everyone, but are they? I suspect my writing is targeted at people who feel they are ignored, teased, perhaps bullied by society. People who have a lot of potential, as all people do, but who don't realise it. People who might sit in what seems like a meaningless job, just living from day to day, trapped by a routine from which it seems there is no escape. People who are judged negatively on first impression, who are not taken seriously, who have travelled a hard road and where it seems barriers are formed all around them so they cannot change lanes to travel a more meaningful journey. And then I wonder, haven't we all experienced moments like this, just to varying degrees? What does it take to just be in the present moment and walk with confidence and choose the path we walk? Is it as easy as changing mindsets? Or is there also a tide of perception to change, so we can be swept along with society's tide, instead of being battered by it? What do you think? I know I have found renewed purpose and meaning for living through belief in God the Father and His Son, Jesus. What will give you meaning?

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